Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hive #2 April Block

~Well, I have just about snuck in under the radar this month. It's the 28th of the month, and as there are 30 days in April, I have made it with  24.5 hours to spare! I like to live dangerously!

Angela asked us, in hive 2, to make sunburst squares in green and blue fabrics. They really didn't seem to difficult and I was looking forward to making them on my return from my break in New York over Easter. However, on the return flight my feet swelled up something terrible and went all red and shiny. Really painful. Combine that with a day job that requires standing all day, and I was working extra days and the result was me lying most nights with the feet on a cushion watching tv. I did what sewing I had to, and everything else got delayed.

Fast forward to Sunday morning, the time I had "scheduled" to sew my block. Sunday morning is usually spent listening to music, the old fashioned way, on vinyl. A cooked breakfast and the papers complete the morning. The sound of my machine whirring, sorry, squeaking, it needs serviced, is usually surplus to requirements. The blocks however had to be made.

Rather smugly, I got the first made very quickly and put on IG. The second was underway when Jo, who was queen bee in February, messaged to say and I quote " erm...... looks great........but........ did you mean to rotate the corner blocks??" Put it this way, just as well Jo was more awake than myself!
A little ripping out and a little jiggery pokery and they were set aside to finish sewing on Monday, and posted to Angela.

the "wrong" block
the "right" block

another "right" block

A few weeks ago my elderly aunt, aged 93, came for Sunday tea and we admired her hand knit scarf. She told us proudly she knit it herself, but you never ever knit on a Sunday - what you knit/sew on Sunday you rip out on Monday. Sometimes these old adages prove to be true in more ways than one.
When I was looking for an envelope, I came across two short zips that were the same shades of green and blue I had used so popped them in too. Maybe Angela will make a double pouch to match her green and blue quilt!

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